Finding goodness in the season.. even when you absolutely hate it

As I was thinking about this in terms of literal seasons - spring, summer, autumn, winter - I realized that this is definitely applicable when it comes to the seasons of life too.

Autumn is my favorite season. The weather is perfectly crisp. It's the beginning of the holiday season. I can wear all my coziest sweaters and flannels without sweating. My kitchen also smells the absolute best during this time of year because simmering soups and fresh sourdough bread are often on the dinner menu.

I also love winter. We have Christmas and New Year's. Yes, it is cold, but I love love love cold weather. I can sit by the fire with a good book and cup of coffee. And just like in autumn, some of my favorite meals are really best in the chilly season.

Spring. In the beginning, it is nice. It's nice to have slightly warmer weather after a few months of cold. The downside is that I live in the south where the pollen is abundant and if I do not start taking allergy medicine in March before everything turns yellow, I am miserable and suffering and pitiful. Spring does redeem itself because I celebrate my birthday on May 29. Well, if I'm honest, I do like to celebrate more than just the one single day.

Now we have made it to the time of year I hate the most. Summer. Quite honestly, I do not enjoy a single moment of summer. Not. A. Single. Moment.

As I write this, it is August and my home is decorated for autumn. Autumn (or fall!) starts August 1 in my home. With autumn and winter being my favorite seasons, I like to enjoy both for as long as I can.

But although my home has pumpkins, warm glow, and autumn scents, the moment I step outside, I am reminded that it is still summer. Welcome to the South where it is 95 degrees and the humidity makes you feel like you are in a sauna. And no, it is not enjoyable.

It is easy for me to sit in the feeling of disdain all summer long, but instead, I have been motivated to find the goodness in the season, even though I absolutely hate it.

I've enjoyed Poppi in a wine glass on our porch with a candle lit while David grills. I've taken advantage of a pool every time I've gotten the chance. I've sat outside with my Bible, journal, and coffee in hand early in the mornings before it has gotten too unbearably hot. 

Throughout the season that I hate the most, I've found goodness. And while I'm writing about actual seasons, the same goes for seasons of life.

The season where getting out of bed is hard. The season when you do not know how much more you have to give. The season when you feel like you are drowning, drowning, drowning, and cannot catch your breath. The season when you cry more than laugh. The season when you can thankfully, pay your bills, but there is not a cent left over. The season when you are waiting and praying and asking yourself if God is listening. The season when the doctor tells you the news that you did not want to hear. The season of sickness, The season of loss and grief. The season when you find yourself alone. The season where you feel broken and lost.

Even in those seasons, there is always goodness. Maybe it is the smell of coffee in the morning. The way the sunlight shines into the window and makes you smile. The cool breeze in the evening while you sit on your patio. Your neighbor who always says hello. Your local coffee shop. That park in your town that has the perfect tree to sit underneath. The friend you made on Instagram. Your girlfriends. Your spouse. No matter what, there is always, always goodness.

With all that said, I hope to remind you that if you're walking through a season that you find miserable, there is always goodness, always hope.



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