Dorm Tour: Sorority House Edition

The blog post that you have been waiting for is here: my dorm tour! Excited? Good! I’m just going to get right into it!

The Closet:

Who knew that it was possible to have a walk-in closet when you live on campus? I love my closet it fits everything so well! As you can see, I have clothes hanging up and more clothes in my dresser drawers. The plastic drawers on my dresser have extra products that I need. The first drawer has hair products and supplies, such as my flat iron and brushes; the second drawer has medicine, bandaids, and other toiletry items; and the third drawer is a bit more random with cotton balls, nail polish, shoe cleaner, and a hammer (lol don’t ask). On top of my dresser I have lotion, deodorant, perfume, jewelry, and other stuff like that. Next to my dresser I have my hamper. My shoes are just kind of on the ground, but I should probably get a shoe rack. On the top shelf I have art supplies, a blanket, extra towels, and a basket with my purses and wallets. I also had Casey’s basket for Big/Little reveal up there, but it is no longer there because I finally got to tell her I’m her Big!

Next up is the room, well my side of it. So I have a mini fridge which I love! It has both a freezer and refrigerator, which is really helpful. I have frozen yogurt, chicken breasts, and vegetables in the freezer and some fruit, cheese, and water in the fridge. I keep the food that I cook with downstairs in the main fridge and pantry. On top of my fridge is some peonies, my water bottle that I had just washed, my Teavana Perfectea Maker, and my router box. Next to my fridge is my letter bag, backpack, and a wastebasket. My desk has my makeup, a desk lamp, and roses from David! I also have a Febreeze Small Spaces Air Freshener that I absolutely love on my desk. Hanging on the wall is an AOII canvas.

My bed is raised and underneath it I have a bucket with a washcloth, sponge, and some cleaning supplies, a box of stuff that is currently being sold on my Poshmark closet, two plastic totes, my luggage set, and a purple box that I got from my Big when I got initiated. The first plastic tote holds pots and pans, plates, Tupperware, a single-serve blender, a roll of paper towels, and some plastic silverware. I never use the pots and pans because the sorority house has quite a bit of them, but I have them just in case. In the second tote I have plastic bags, snacks, and extra pantry food that won’t fit. In the purple box is really just random AOII things like a koozie, feather boa, and mason jar with my name on it. Above my bed I have some white twinkle lights, my first initial and pictures. I keep it pretty simple.

There you have it! I hope you enjoyed this blog post about my college room! If you want a video, PLEASE let me know and I will gladly do that for you!



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