Going Out Tips + FREE Uber Ride!

Hello my lovely readers! I hope that your week hasn't been too stressful. For me, I've been so busy and have so many things coming up and I just can't seem to get motivated which is not like me at all! Maybe senioritis is kicking in a little early?

Today, I'm sharing some of my tips when it comes to going out. I'm in college, so going out with friends is a pretty normal thing, even though I'm not what anyone would consider a "party-girl" or anything! I'm breaking stereotypes here! Haha! You can totally go out with friends and have a good time and stay sober if you want! I don't go out too often, but when I do, these tips are always important!

1. Go out with a group and don't leave alone
If you go out with your friends, don't ever leave anyone behind or leave by yourself. Girls need to stick together.

2. Don't take drinks from people
If you are going to drink, be smart! If you are at a house or frat party where drinks are usually out, make your own drink. Don't let anyone get a drink for you. If you're out where there's a bar, watch your drink! Don't let it out of your sight.

3. Know your limit
If you're going to drink, do not, do not, do not, do not get so drunk that you can barely stand. You need to know when enough is enough. 

4. Be a good person
See someone who is about to pass out or just doesn't look okay? Help them. If you're at a frat party, there's a good chance they go to your university, so help. It doesn't hurt to be a good person.

5. Have fun
Be careful when going out, but have fun and enjoy yourself!

Leave your tips in the comments section! Speaking of going out, need to use Uber? Get a free Uber ride with the code amandaa6437ue


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