10 Ways to Have a Memorable Summer
Happy hump day! Welcome back to my little corner of the Internet. Here is a little update on my life this week: I have had such a productive and busy week so far, but I'm feeling so great. I have also been working out and sticking to my daily Pilates schedule and running three days a week. I can totally do a fitness series on my blog if you would be interested!
Today's post is all about some ways to make your summer memorable, so let's just get right into it, shall we?
I start my internship on Monday and I'm so excited! It's a great way to get your foot in the business you want to get into.
2. Travel somewhere fun
Fly or drive and use AirBnB to get a cool space to crash.
3. Get a job
It always feel good to make money and with classes being over, summer is the perfect time to make extra money!
4. Do something new
Audition for the play at the community theater or ride that roller coaster you've been afraid to get on.
5. Get fit
I told myself that this would be the last summer that I am unhappy with my body. I'm starting to live a healthy lifestyle because I only get one body, so I better treat it right!
What would you add to the list? What are your summer plans? Let me know in a comment or on social media!