Summer 2016 Nighttime Routine

What a busy week it has been! My internship is amazing. I'm loving every second of it! I've been helping take care of an older couple I've known since I was born. They are older and just need help around the house. It is nice to spend time with older, wiser people. They have a lot of great life lessons.

I love seeing what people's morning and nighttime routines are, so I decided to share mine with you! I had this on Snapchat, so enjoy my Snapchat pictures! Also, add me on Snapchat because I've got some EXCITING things coming up that you won't want to miss and Snapchat ALWAYS gets the first look.

I start with a nice, hot shower! Before I shower, I take off my makeup using Physician's Formula Eye Makeup Lotion. It is gentle on my eyes and skin, but wipes that makeup away, even when I've got primer AND setting spray on. I wipe it away with Bert's Bees Facial Wipes! I was all out, so I just rinsed with water, but those wipes are AMAZING.

Once I get in the shower, I do what everyone does. Wash hair, wash body, shave. The usual. I love Pantene's Sheer Volume Shampoo + Conditioner and EOs Shave Cream! I use Bath & Body Works Body Wash. And yes, I know this is a Christmas scent, but I don't care! I stock up on Bath & Body Works body soap and lotion during their end-of-the-year sale. I'm broke and in college, so I've got to be frugal.

Once I get out the shower, I dry off and throw on my pajamas. I brush my hair with a wide comb, brush my teeth, and floss. After that, I go to my room and finish up. I've got eczema that flares up sometimes, so if that's going on, I'll put some hydrocortisone cream on it. So exciting, right? I also use RapidLash for my lashes. They are naturally pretty short, but RapidLash is AMAZING and super affordable. I put a very small amount of coconut oil on my face. A little goes a LONG way. I love Aveeno lotion and I put that all over because I've got super dry skin.

Sometimes, I'll go straight to bed and other times I'll watch Netflix or tv or just chill on my phone. It varies depending on the day really. 

What are some of your essentials for your nighttime routine? What do you do before bed? Let me know below!


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