My Summer Morning Routine
Happy Thursday! Can you believe it is June? I can't. 2017 is FLYING by! We're half way to 2018...
I am currently sitting at Starbucks, sipping on some peach green tea, and being SUPER productive before I head to the radio station. Today has been a really great day AND I got in a really great workout, so I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.
I'm sharing my morning routine with you today! This has been my routine all of summer, even on the days that I'm not working. I wake up around 9, usually. I don't set an alarm during the summer unless I need to be up by a certain time. When I wake up, I check all my emails and social media accounts like most people do these days. Once I finish that, I get up, brush my teeth, and wash my face then put on workout clothes and head to the gym! I usually get done back around 11 or 11:30. I make breakfast and do my devotions. After that, I get ready for the day, but if I have anywhere to go, I usually don't do my hair and wear t-shirts and Nike shorts (yesss I know I'm a fashion icon. lol jk who am I kidding?)
What is your summer morning routine like? Next summer, I'll be out of a college with a (hopefully) full-time job, so my summers will look a little different! Be sure to follow my social media to see everything I'm doing this summer! Have a happy day and I'll see you in my next post!
I am currently sitting at Starbucks, sipping on some peach green tea, and being SUPER productive before I head to the radio station. Today has been a really great day AND I got in a really great workout, so I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.
I'm sharing my morning routine with you today! This has been my routine all of summer, even on the days that I'm not working. I wake up around 9, usually. I don't set an alarm during the summer unless I need to be up by a certain time. When I wake up, I check all my emails and social media accounts like most people do these days. Once I finish that, I get up, brush my teeth, and wash my face then put on workout clothes and head to the gym! I usually get done back around 11 or 11:30. I make breakfast and do my devotions. After that, I get ready for the day, but if I have anywhere to go, I usually don't do my hair and wear t-shirts and Nike shorts (yesss I know I'm a fashion icon. lol jk who am I kidding?)
What is your summer morning routine like? Next summer, I'll be out of a college with a (hopefully) full-time job, so my summers will look a little different! Be sure to follow my social media to see everything I'm doing this summer! Have a happy day and I'll see you in my next post!