So You Want To Join A Sorority?

If you've been following me for a while, you probably know that I am in a sorority. I am a sister of Alpha Omicron Pi (Gamma Sigma chapter at Georgia State University) and while I first went through sorority recruitment just to meet people and make friends, I never expected to fall in love with AOII (short for Alpha Omicron Pi) and Greek life as much as I have. Being in a sorority has changed my life for the better and going through rush is something that I recommend to every young woman in college because even if you end up not joining a sorority, you walk away from the experience meeting many people and even a few new friends. If you realize that sorority life is for you, you walk away with a sisterhood and bond that you might have never realized you wanted.

I graudate in December, so my college chapter is coming to close and that also means my time a collegiate member of AOII is coming to a close (a tear is literally going down my face as I type this), but the great thing about being in a sorority is that the experience does not end when college does. You are a member of your sorority for life. 

Because I have been on both sides of recruitment and in a sorority for a while, I wanted to share some tips with you. 

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First, let's get the basic terms out of the way. There are many terms that you are going to hear and if you're like I was, you will be confused. Sorority Sugar has a great guide to all the terms. 

Now, let's get to some tips and advice for going through sorority recruitment.

It Is Okay To Be Nervous
I almost did not go to recruitment. I woke up the morning of the first day of recruitment and was so nervous. It is okay to be nervous, but don't let that stop you from going through recruitment. Have fun. Be yourself.

Do Your Research
Sure, you can get on Instagram and follow all of the sororities at your school, but also go on to their official websites to get to know what the sorority as a whole stands for. Another super important thing is to research what each day of recruitment is like for your school so you get a feel for it. Also, do some research on what to wear on the different days. You want to have your outfits planned out before so that you aren't rushing to get ready every day.

side note.. Nordstrom Francesca'sLilly Pulitzer, and Forever 21 have cute options for recruitment outfits

Keep An Open Mind 
When I went into recruitment, I did NOT want to be in AOII. I had two other sororities that were my top choices, but I walked into AOII's party and immediately felt at home. I felt like I could take off my dress and throw on shorts and t-shirt and just hang out with the girl I was talking to. Be open to every sorority and give them all a chance. If you are just interested in partying... listen. There are girls in most every sorority who enjoy parties, but beyond those parties, it is the sisterhood that is forever. Get a feel for that and see where you fit best. Even if you're a legacy or your best friend is already in one, you might find your home in the sorority you never expected. 

Be Yourself
You want to join a sorority where no matter if you're dressed up or just in a t-shirt, you'll feel comfortable. Don't try and be different to impress anyone. Brush your hair, put on a cute outfit, put on some makeup (just a little mascara is okay if you aren't a makeup person) and put your best foot forward, but still be yourself. 

Take Notes
After every party, jot down a few notes about who you spoke to, what you talked about, and how you felt with that sorority. This will help you so much when you begin eliminating and ranking sororities.

Stay Positive
Like I said earlier, I did not want to be in AOII, but that changed the first day. AOII then became my first choice and obviously I came back, but my second choice dropped me the next day, which bothered me. Even if your top house drops you, stay positive. Everything works out.

Get Rest
Recruitment is exhausting. During recruitment, don't go out. Don't stay up late and binge-watch a season of Friends. Stay in and get rest. You'll be so glad you did.

Don't Talk About Boys, Partying, Alcohol..
You will probably be told this, but do not ever ever ever talk about boys, alcohol, drugs, or parties.

Be Selfish
This is your decision and the sorority you join will be your sisterhood forever. Don't join a sorority just because your friend is in it. Don't join a sorority just because your roommate wants to be in that sorority. Don't join a sorority just because you are a legacy if you don't feel that is where you belong. If you feel confused, upset, or need to talk, go to your recruitment counselor (these are called many different things depending on where you go to school.. we call them a Pi Chi). Do not talk to your friends or other people going through recruitment. Those girls are there to help you, but make the right decisions for you.

What other questions do you have about sorority recruitment? Let me help you! Comment below. If you have recruitment advice, leave that in a comment (and let me know what sorority you're in)! 


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