22 Intentions for 2022
2021 has been hard. I'm ready for a fresh start.
This year was a year filled with a lot of sadness, stress, and anxiety. It was a year where very few things seemed to go in my favor. It was a year where if I'm being really honest with you, I could have easily slipped into a really, dark place. And I almost did a few times.
With all that said, I'm letting all of that go in 2022. I'm letting go of the sadness. I'm letting go of the stress. I'm letting go of every feeling, every situation, everything that does not serve me. I'm going into 2022 with intention.
Even when life gets hard, I am committed to being grateful for the life I live. I am committed to loving my life and living every day with peace.
I'm going into 2022 with 22 intentions that I am sharing with you. As with every goal or intention I write down, all of these are in present tense as if they are already my reality.
1. I move my body every day in celebration of my health.
2. I walk 6,000 steps every day because I already sit 8 hours a day working.
3. I take photos and videos of my everyday life to look back on the memories.
4. I cook more at home, because I love getting in the kitchen.
5. I read 5 books throughout the year.
6. I have a place of my own to call home with David.
7. I am an exceptional wife.
8. I exceed expectations in my career and that pays leads to both financial and career growth.
9. I share my news stories often on social media.
10. I post IG stories and TikToks daily.
11. I let my people know that I love them more often.
12. I start each day with my minimal morning routine: freshening up, journaling, gratitude.
13. I drink half my body weigh in ounces of water daily.
14. I do 4 strength training workouts every week.
15. I have weekly date nights with David.
16. I am debt-free.
17. I regularly support local businesses in my community and the places I travel to.
18. I love the life I live and each moment I am given.
19. I am in the best shape of my life.
20. I travel the world for work.
21. My space is clean and free of clutter.
22. I let go of all things that do not serve me.
Now, I want to hear one of your intentions! What are you calling into your life in 2022?