17 Things I Learned In 2017

2017 is quickly coming to a close and I must say.. it has been quite a year. I think that is something most of us can agree on.

In 2017, I did a lot of growing. I learned so much about myself. I accomplished a lot of things, but also failed a few times, too.

I fell in love with all things media. I got to meet some really cool celebs and do really awesome things at my internship with Cumulus Media and Q100. I learned that I enjoy going out every now and then with my closest girl friends. I did a little sports journalism. I went to CNN. I grew this blog. I became an aunt. I learned that love can be hard, but so worth it. I turned 22. A lot of doors closed on me. I felt like a complete failure. I graduated college. I learned how difficult is it to have your brother away for the holidays because he is in the military. I traveled alone for the first time. I completely fell in love with my sorority. I grew closer to God. I cried a lot. I laughed. I stressed about nearly everything. I smiled even more.

With everything that happened in my life in 2017, there are quite a few lessons I learned. Today, I'm sharing 17 things I learned in 2017. Through the good and the bad, I learned a lot of things.

1. Love can be hard, but worth it.
Loving someone - a family member, your boyfriend, your friend - is not always easy. You won't always agree. It won't always be sunshine and rainbows, but love is wonderful.

2. Time really does fly by.
My last year of college went by so fast. My life feels like a blink. Time flies. Cherish your life.

Related: I Graduate College Today...

3. Laughter really can be the best medicine.
This has easily been the most stressful year of my life and when I found myself stressed, anxious, and  crying, I found that my best friends were there to pick me up and most of the time, a little laughter helped so much.

4. Change is scary, but good for the soul.
I graduated college this year, so the next chapter of my life is going to be a total change from anything I've ever done in my life. It is scary, but I am so excited for all the wonderful things to come.

5. It is okay to cry.
Sometimes, you just need to cry and that is okay.

6. Cherish every moment in your life.
Life goes by so quickly. Enjoy every moment you have. Enjoy your grandma baking you some cookies. Enjoy your phone conversation with your mom and dad. Enjoy the night out with your girls. Cherish each moment.

7. Love others fiercely.
This world needs so much love. It starts with you and me, so love fiercely.

8. Take lots of pictures and videos.
Yeah, living in the moment is great, but take pictures. Take that video. You will be so glad you have those memories to look back on. I took so many pictures and videos during my final semester (I  might make a video), and I love looking back at all those fun moments I had.

9. Even when life sucks, it goes on.
Life goes on. Even when you feel like you've hit rock bottom, gather your motivation, and pick yourself back up. You got this.

10. I still have so much to learn.
Sometimes, at 22, I really think I have it all together. I quickly learn that is not the case. Always listen to those wiser than you and never stop learning.

11. Working out and eating healthy is so important.
A burger every now and then is great, but going to the gym and eating healthy will get you feeling your very best.

Related: My Workout Routine

12. Take no's and closed opportunities with grace.
Every "no" gets you closer to that "yes" you've been waiting for.

13. Be spontaneous sometimes.
Go out and get drinks with your girls at the last minute. Get last minute lunch with your mom. Just go.

14. It is okay to make yourself a priority.
Sometimes, you need to say no to everything else and yes to yourself.

15. Budgeting is important.
Whether you use an app or want to write it all down, budget. You will thank yourself later.

16. Live the life that makes you happy.
It is YOUR life. That is what matters.

17. Ask questions.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't worry about what others may think. If you don't know something, just ask.

Did you learn any of these lessons, too? What other lessons did you learn this year?

If I could describe my 2017 in one word, I would definitely say "growth." What about you?

Comment below!

As 2017 comes to a close, I want to thank you for your support. This blog has grown so much this past year and I am so looking forward to what will happen in 2018. I hope you stick around for the ride. It is going to be a great one.

See you all in 2018.


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